Monthly Archives: April 2018

Jukebox Bingo Brings A New Twist To A Classic Game
We at Game Shows Alive know how fantastic our games are, and how much fun they add to events, but many of you reading this may still be skeptical. Here is a wonderful story written by someone who actually attended an event where he got to play Jukebox Bingo – straight from the horse’s mouth. What’s the first thing that…

Bring TV Game Shows From Your Screen To Reality
Ever actually wanted to take part in a real game show? Have you whished it was you stepping up to the podium on ‘Jeopardy’? There is nothing like actually being there. The atmosphere, sparkling lights and sound. The shared crowd participation. A television just can’t capture it. Why not make this your reality, and improve your business profits at the…

Team Challenge Games Encourage Employees To Work Together
The work place environment is often not easily adapted to by employees. It’s a radical deviation from the human element of society; people are forced to work in isolated cubicles under bright lights. Everyone strives to be what they think the best is that they can be; competition and stress levels are high. When people from many different walks of…